Saturday, February 16, 2008

PIC Burners

Of course, before you start building a program, you'll need to store it into a PIC chip. To do that you will need a PIC programmer. You can buy commercial ones, or build your own. I personally get the satisfaction build my own and even more so when it works. :) I have a :-
All the above mentioned except the PICKit2 use the PC's serial port to program the chip. The PICKit2 uses the USB port.

The PICKit2 I purchased came with a ICSP/ICD port only and not a ZIF socket or any socket to program the chip. So based on the Feng3 design I made a ZIF socket to program the chip and also included an ICSP port.

The schematics for my version of Feng3 and the PICKit2 ZIF available from download section.

Available from the sidebar under the heading :

Downloadz--PIC programmers

Which takes me to development of the PCB. The fun stuff. But that for another day.

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